Summer of Adventure

The Denver Public Library's Summer of Adventure program encourages youth from birth to 12th grade to READ, MAKE, and EXPLORE both independently and inside the library. We provide opportunities for informal learning and activities to create academic and social emotional growth throughout the summer months. 

We can't wait to see you this Summer!

We have NEW prizes, events, and ways to participate. The Denver Public Library is ready to help you meet experts, learn new skills, and find amazing new ways to read.

June 1st-August 10th for youth of all ages and abilities.

Tacaburka Kuleylaha 2024 Goor Dhaw!

Isdiiwaangeli internetka ama booqo laanta Maktabada Dadweynaha Denver ee kuugu dhow. Waxaad heli doontaa Hagaha Safarka oo daabacan kaas oo dhiirrigelinaya akhriska, sameynta iyo raadinta inta lagu jiro xagaaga iyo abaalmarin diiwaangelin. 

CUSUB! Sanadkan soo ururi 5 abaalmarinood oo kasbadna tigidhka VIP-ka xafladda dhammaystirka ee ugu horreysa ee magaalada oo dhan, taasoo ka dhici doonta Denver Zoo.

Tan ugu fiican, waa BILAASH! Macluumaad dheeraad ah goor dhaw!